Praising God for Vacation Bible School

by Kara Hoerth and Jamie Schwartz
This week we are praising God for another wonderful week of Vacation Bible School here at Zion.  What a blessing it was to be a part of this ministry as we watched the church come alive with families, children, and volunteers for four nights of joyful praise to God for his love and faithfulness shown to us through his “Miraculous Mission“.
This year approximately 45-50 children blasted off each night to hear how Jesus saved the world.  Each evening began with a child friendly dinner and progressed through a series of activities or “stations” which helped to spread the evening’s common theme, each station with a unique twist.  Children from preschool to fifth grade were divided into “crews” based on their age and moved through the stations together to discover God’s message and his promises to them.  We moved through the Bible together using Opening, Starry Night Bible Storytelling, Bible Challenge Observation Station, Blast off Games, Galaxy Snack, Wonderful Creation Crafts, and Closing to celebrate God’s truth with our kid’s.
With help from Zion’s 50 volunteers (that’s right, 50 volunteers!), we were awash in laughter, fellowship, and joy as we moved through the lessons of God’s creation, God’s promise of a Savior, Jesus the Savior is Born, and Jesus is Risen and Reigns eternal.  With these stories we moved through the Old and New Testaments showing children that God is good, he is faithful, and God keeps his promises.  The children learned that God created them with a purpose, he is true to his word, Jesus came for them, and that God accomplished His miraculous mission to save the world through the death and rising of his own Son.  All of these things were miracles.  They were reminded that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever which means miracles are alive and happening today!  We are a part of this miraculous mission, and we have stories to tell.  Our prayer for these children is that during this week they felt God’s love for them and will feel moved to share his love with those around him.
Of the 45-50 children reached at VBS this year, 85% of those children were from outside of Zion’s congregation.  Kara and I love leading this ministry as it provides such a unique way for Zion to spread their witness into the community around us.  There is so much joy happening from the moment those families run into the building until the closing that evening.  The church is alive with God’s love.  With this ministry, we are reaching and serving several return families each year.  These parents feel comfortable in our church, with our volunteers, and most importantly with the message their kids are receiving when they are here.  It is a living example of Christian fellowship at it’s best; engaging young and old, fostering examples of mentorship and support as we go out into the world and become God’s hands and feet.
While the last decoration has come down, and the spaceships have returned to Zion, we have heard from several families that their children are still speaking of Vacation Bible School, singing the music, and talking about what they learned.  We would like to thank all of our volunteers for the time and effort they put in to support this ministry.  Without them, this wonderful week surely wouldn’t have been possible.  Of all the God sightings seen this week, all of them pointed back to the witness these kids had seen and heard through our amazing team of volunteers.  We are so blessed to come together and provide such an amazing time for our families.  We are already praying over next year, and we ask that you do the same.  Blessings on the rest of your summer.  We are hoping all of you that helped pull this week off are catching some much needed rest.
Until next year,
Kara and Jamie

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Serving God’s Church

by Peg Fenner
As we start summer, with all the fun and trips that the warm weather brings, we once again start, behind the scenes, our Nominating Process. Each year, in June, a Nominating Team is appointed, and they get the ball rolling on a process that will lead to the election of new board chairs for the following year.
All of our elected officers agree to serve a 2-year term, with the allowance for an officer to serve up to 2 consecutive terms. All of this sounds very technical – terms, officers, nominating, elections, etc. But what it all boils down to is serving God’s church and people here at the corner of Salem and Birney. My prayer for the process this year is that each member of Zion, as the nominating information comes out, will pray about and consider how they might be a piece of the puzzle that we are putting together.
Our Nominating Team this year will consist of Jennifer Hamilton, Laura Mikow, and Bob Remmele – thanks to all of 3 of them for their willingness to serve! Pastor Jason, Chris, and I attend as well.
The process will begin with asking current officers, who are eligible to serve another term, if their desire is to continue or end. Then, in July, you, the members, will be given the opportunity to suggest individuals that you believe would serve well in each position (and you can suggest yourself!). As potential leaders of the church, we want these suggestions to be for those who you believe to be devoted to worship, study of the Word, and serving.
The team then pours/prays through the lists of suggestions and begins calling individuals. I ask, that if asked to serve, you really dwell on what is being asked of you. Could you give time and energy to serve? Do you have the gifts needed for the position? Is God calling you to serve (He always is – but in what way?). Feel the honor that comes with being asked to serve God’s church. There is much joy in serving Him!

And when this process – and summer – comes to an end, as we elect new officers in September for 2020, if your name is not on that slate, consider how you will support and serve with those who have accepted a call!

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Summer Bible Studies

by Pastor Jason
Ah, summer. The surf the sand. Vacations. Brats and burgers on a grill. Outdoor projects. The Reds turning it around as the season goes on (let’s be optimistic) while the calendar pages turning quickly by. And studying God’s Word. Yes, I hope that continues to fit into your summer plans. Now, while I hope we all are connected to scripture in our personal lives (through devotions etc.) the whole year I also hope that we know (and get connected to) the options available Sundays at Zion. And the options are…


The Gospel of Luke. Starts June 2 in the Fellowship Hall. This study will be loosely based upon the Life Lessons study by Max Lucado. Luke is a letter written by a doctor searching for truth, to his friend Theophilus. They shared a love for Christ and a love for the facts. Part letter and part research paper, Luke wants his friend to know that what he has been taught is true. Key themes:


  • Jesus was fully man and fully God
  • Jesus experienced the conflicts of life, yet performed miracles
  • Jesus fulfilled God’s mission and taught of God’s kingdom
  • Jesus’ death and resurrection made possible our relationship with God

Each lesson has the following sections:

  • Scripture – Reading a section of Scripture together.
  • Observation – What stood out in the reading? Think of context, the type of book, the type of author, the time of the church year, the time of calendar year, and why did it especially connect with you.
  • Application – What will you take and apply from this section to your life today?
  • Prayer – How might God help you to apply this beyond today?


Teens will study “Discovering God’s Way of Handling Money”. This is a great way to introduce personal finance as well as discover the Bible’s financial principles. It is a great combination of Bible study and practical instruction. Teens will be walked through the biblical understanding of stewardship, and they are taught how to make a budget and track spending. This is appropriate and recommended for middle and high school students.

Kids will have a series called “Toy Bible Studies”. It is totally inspired by the Toy Story movie series! What a coincidence that Toy Story 4 is coming out this summer! Each study will use a simple, fun toy to teach important Biblical concepts. Kids will learn the Bible and about Jesus and have a lot of fun doing it.

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