Adding Something in for Lent?

by Peg Fenner
With the Lenten season coming upon us, some of us will be thinking about “what should I give up for Lent?” For years, Greg and I have given up ice cream, and if you know us, you know that’s a pretty big sacrifice! But what if we talk this year about adding something in for Lent? Something to help us grow closer, as a family of believers, during this time of reflection. I’d like to suggest our Wednesday evening dinners and services – a time of nourishment, fellowship, and worship.

To me, these evenings feel like the closest thing we may offer to how it was in the days of Jesus – coming together around a table, breaking bread, and then hearing the Word of God. In our busyness, we can often look at our “Simple Suppers” as a way to make it easier to get to a mid-week service. We can also make it a time to hang out with our friends. Or maybe it’s a bonus meal – because I didn’t have to cook it! But we can make it much more than all of that. We can make it a time of true fellowship – a chance to chat with that person that you have only nodded or smiled at on Sundays, but never have really met. It’s a chance to sit and unwind with someone who maybe you only get to talk to during a church meeting.   It’s a chance to show some love and care for someone who may need you to be the bright spot in their day. It’s an opportunity for us to invite that person that may not have made connections yet at church. And it’s an opportunity to invite a neighbor or friend to our church.

I encourage each of us to ask someone to come along to these meals and share in our fellowship. I encourage you to not sit with “your group” – branch out a little. And remember, these are Simple Suppers – so we can all be like Mary, and be ready to sit at the feet of our Lord – not making a fuss over our meal and clean up, like Martha. Commit during Lent to come each week, starting on Ash Wednesday, and join us at 6 pm to share in an awesome time of fellowship, followed by our worship service at 7 pm.

Acts 2:42  They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.